_2 Management Utility
_3 Compression Process
_5 Remote Job Entry
X7 Echo
_9 Discard
_11 Active Users
X13 Daytime
_15 Unassigned [was netstat]
X17 Quote of the Day
_18 Message Send Protocol
_19 Character Generator more................
_20 File Transfer [Default Data]
X21 File Transfer [Control]
X22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
X23 Telnet
_24 any private mail system
X25 Simple Mail Transfer
X27 NSW User System FE
_31 MSG Authentication
_33 Display Support Protocol
_35 any private printer server
_37 Time
_38 Route Access Protocol
_39 Resource Location Protocol
_41 Graphics
_42 Host Name Server
_43 Who Is
_44 MPM FLAGS Protocol
_45 Message Processing Module [recv]
_46 MPM [default send]
_47 NI FTP
_48 Digital Audit Daemon
_49 Login Host Protocol
_50 Remote Mail Checking Protocol
_51 IMP Logical Address Maintenance
_52 XNS Time Protocol
X53 Domain Name Server
_54 XNS Clearinghouse
_55 ISI Graphics Language
_56 XNS Authentication
_57 any private terminal access
_58 XNS Mail
_59 any private file service
_62 ACA Services
_63 whois++
_64 Communications Integrator (CI)
_65 TACACS-Database Service
_66 Oracle SQL*NET
_67 Bootstrap Protocol Server
_68 Bootstrap Protocol Client
_69 Trivial File Transfer
_70 Gopher
_71 Remote Job Service
_72 Remote Job Service
_73 Remote Job Service
_74 Remote Job Service
_75 any private dial out service
_76 Distributed External Object Store
_77 any private RJE service
_78 vettcp
_79 Finger
X80 World Wide Web HTTP
_81 HOSTS2 Name Server
_82 XFER Utility
_83 MIT ML Device
_84 Common Trace Facility
_85 MIT ML Device
_86 Micro Focus Cobol
_87 any private terminal link
_88 Kerberos
_89 SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
_90 DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
_91 MIT Dover Spooler
_92 Network Printing Protocol
_93 Device Control Protocol
_94 Tivoli Object Dispatcher
_96 DIXIE Protocol Specification
_97 Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol
_98 TAC News
_99 Metagram Relay
_100 [unauthorized use]
_101 NIC Host Name Server
_103 Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
_104 ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
_105 Mailbox Name Nameserver
_107 Remote Telnet Service
_108 SNA Gateway Access Server
_109 Post Office Protocol - Version 2
X110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
_111 SUN Remote Procedure Call
_112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
_113 Authentication Service
_114 Audio News Multicast
X115 Simple File Transfer Protocol
_116 ANSA REX Notify
_117 UUCP Path Service
_118 SQL Services
X119 Network News Transfer Protocol
_121 Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
_123 Network Time Protocol
_124 ANSA REX Trader
_125 Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
_126 Unisys Unitary Login
_127 Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
_128 GSS X License Verification
_129 Password Generator Protocol
_130 cisco FNATIVE
_131 cisco TNATIVE
_132 cisco SYSMAINT
_133 Statistics Service
_134 INGRES-NET Service
_135 Location Service
_136 PROFILE Naming System
X137 NETBIOS Name Service
_138 NETBIOS Datagram Service
_139 NETBIOS Session Service
_140 EMFIS Data Service
_141 EMFIS Control Service
_142 Britton-Lee IDM
_143 Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
_144 NewS
_145 UAAC Protocol
_146 ISO-IP0
_147 ISO-IP
_149 AED 512 Emulation Service
_150 SQL-NET
_151 HEMS
_152 Background File Transfer Program
_153 SGMP
_154 NETSC
_155 NETSC
_156 SQL Service
_157 KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
_158 PCMail Server
_159 NSS-Routing
_161 SNMP
_163 CMIP/TCP Manager
_164 CMIP/TCP Agent
_165 Xerox
_166 Sirius Systems
_167 NAMP
_168 RSVD
_169 SEND
_170 Network PostScript
_171 Network Innovations Multiplex
_172 Network Innovations CL/1
_173 Xyplex
_174 MAILQ
_175 VMNET
_177 X Display Manager Control Protocol
_178 NextStep Window Server
_179 Border Gateway Protocol
_180 Intergraph
_181 Unify
_182 Unisys Audit SITP
_183 OCBinder
_184 OCServer
_185 Remote-KIS
_186 KIS Protocol
_187 Application Communication Interface
_188 Plus Fives MUMPS
_189 Queued File Transport
_190 Gateway Access Control Protocol
_191 Prospero Directory Service
_192 OSU Network Monitoring System
_193 Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
_194 Internet Relay Chat Protocol
_195 DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
_196 DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
_197 Directory Location Service
_198 Directory Location Service Monitor
_199 SMUX
_200 IBM System Resource Controller
_201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
_202 AppleTalk Name Binding
_203 AppleTalk Unused
_204 AppleTalk Echo
_205 AppleTalk Unused
_206 AppleTalk Zone Information
_207 AppleTalk Unused
_208 AppleTalk Unused
_209 Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
_210 ANSI Z39.50
_211 Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
_213 IPX
_215 Insignia Solutions
_216 Access Technology License Server
_217 dBASE Unix
_218 Netix Message Posting Protocol
_219 Unisys ARPs
_220 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
_221 Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
_222 Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
_223 Certificate Distribution Center
_224 masqdialer
_243 Survey Measurement
_245 LINK
_246 Display Systems Protocol
_248 bhfhs
_256 RAP
_257 Secure Electronic Transaction
_258 Yak Winsock Personal Chat
_259 Efficient Short Remote Operations
_260 Openport
_261 IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL
_262 Arcisdms
_263 HDAP
_264 BGMP
_265 X-Bone CTL
_266 SCSI on ST
_267 Tobit David Service Layer
_268 Tobit David Replica
_280 http-mgmt
_281 Personal Link
_282 Cable Port A/X
_283 rescap
_284 corerjd
_286 FXP-1
_287 K-BLOCK
_308 Novastor Backup
_309 EntrustTime
_310 bhmds
_311 AppleShare IP WebAdmin
_312 VSLMP
_313 Magenta Logic
_314 Opalis Robot
_315 DPSI
_316 decAuth
_317 Zannet
_318 PKIX TimeStamp
_319 PTP Event
_320 PTP General
_321 PIP
_322 RTSPS
_333 Texar Security Port
_344 Prospero Data Access Protocol
_345 Perf Analysis Workbench
_346 Zebra server
_347 Fatmen Server
_348 Cabletron Management Protocol
_349 mftp
_350 MATIP Type A
_351 MATIP Type B
_352 DTAG (assigned long ago)
_354 bh611
_356 Cloanto Net 1
_357 bhevent
_358 Shrinkwrap
_359 Network Security Risk Management Protocol
_360 scoi2odialog
_361 Semantix
_362 SRS Send
_363 RSVP Tunnel
_364 Aurora CMGR
_365 DTK
_366 ODMR
_367 MortgageWare
_368 QbikGDP
_369 rpc2portmap
_370 codaauth2
_371 Clearcase
_372 Unix Listserv
_373 Legent Corporation
_374 Legent Corporation
_375 Hassle
_376 Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
_377 NEC Corporation
_378 NEC Corporation
_379 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
_380 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
_381 hp performance data collector
_382 hp performance data managed node
_383 hp performance data alarm manager
_384 A Remote Network Server System
_385 IBM Application
_386 ASA Message Router Object Def.
_387 Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
_388 Unidata LDM Version 4
_389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
_390 UIS
_391 SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
_392 SynOptics Port Broker Port
_393 Data Interpretation System
_394 EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
_395 NETscout Control Protocol
_396 Novell Netware over IP
_397 Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
_398 Kryptolan
_400 Workstation Solutions
_401 Uninterruptible Power Supply
_402 Genie Protocol
_403 decap
_404 nced
_405 ncld
_406 Interactive Mail Support Protocol
_407 Timbuktu
_408 Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
_409 Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
_410 DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
_411 Remote MT Protocol
_412 Trap Convention Port
_413 SMSP
_414 InfoSeek
_415 BNet
_416 Silverplatter
_417 Onmux
_418 Hyper-G
_419 Ariel
_420 SMPTE
_421 Ariel
_422 Ariel
_423 IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
_424 IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
_425 ICAD
_426 smartsdp
_427 Server Location
_428 OCS_CMU
_429 OCS_AMU
_432 IASD
_433 NNSP
_434 MobileIP-Agent
_435 MobilIP-MN
_436 DNA-CML
_437 comscm
_438 dsfgw
_439 dasp Thomas Obermair
_440 sgcp
_441 decvms-sysmgt
_442 cvc_hostd
_443 https MCom
_444 Simple Network Paging Protocol
_445 Microsoft-DS
_446 DDM-RDB
_447 DDM-RFM
_449 AS Server Mapper
_450 TServer
_451 Cray Network Semaphore server
_452 Cray SFS config server
_453 CreativeServer
_454 ContentServer
_455 CreativePartnr
_456 macon-tcp
_457 scohelp
_458 apple quick time
_459 ampr-rcmd
_460 skronk
_461 DataRampSrv
_462 DataRampSrvSec
_463 alpes
_464 kpasswd
_465 URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM
_466 digital-vrc
_467 mylex-mapd
_468 proturis
_469 Radio Control Protocol
_470 scx-proxy
_471 Mondex
_472 ljk-login
_473 hybrid-pop
_474 tn-tl-w1
_475 tcpnethaspsrv
_476 tn-tl-fd1
_477 ss7ns
_478 spsc
_479 iafserver
_480 iafdbase
_481 Ph service
_482 bgs-nsi
_483 ulpnet
_484 Integra Software Management Environment
_485 Air Soft Power Burst
_486 avian
_487 saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
_488 gss-http
_489 nest-protocol
_490 micom-pfs
_491 go-login
_492 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
_493 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
_494 POV-Ray
_495 intecourier
_497 dantz
_498 siam
_499 ISO ILL Protocol
_500 isakmp
_501 STMF
_502 asa-appl-proto
_503 Intrinsa
_504 citadel
_505 mailbox-lm
_506 ohimsrv
_507 crs
_508 xvttp
_509 snare
_510 FirstClass Protocol
_511 PassGo
_512 remote process execution;
_513 remote login a la telnet;
_514 like exec, but automatic
_515 spooler
_517 like tenex link, but across
_519 unixtime
_520 extended file name server
_521 ripng
_522 ULP
_523 IBM-DB2
_524 NCP
_525 timeserver
_526 newdate
_527 Stock IXChange
_528 Customer IXChange
_530 rpc
_531 chat
_532 readnews
_533 for emergency broadcasts
_534 MegaMedia Admin
_535 iiop
_536 opalis-rdv
_537 Networked Media Streaming Protocol
_538 gdomap
_539 Apertus Technologies Load Determination
_540 uucpd
_541 uucp-rlogin Stuart Lynne
_544 krcmd
_545 appleqtcsrvr
_546 DHCPv6 Client
_547 DHCPv6 Server
_548 AFP over TCP
_549 IDFP
_550 new-who
_551 cybercash
_552 deviceshare
_553 pirp
_554 Real Time Stream Control Protocol
_556 rfs server
_557 openvms-sysipc
_560 rmonitord
_562 chcmd
_564 plan 9 file service
_565 whoami
_566 streettalk
_567 banyan-rpc
_568 microsoft shuttle
_569 microsoft rome
_570 demon
_571 udemon
_572 sonar
_573 banyan-vip
_574 FTP Software Agent System
_575 VEMMI
_576 ipcd
_577 vnas
_578 ipdd
_579 decbsrv
_581 Bundle Discovery Protocol
_582 SCC Security
_583 Philips Video-Conferencing
_584 Key Server
_585 IMAP4+SSL (use 993 instead)
_586 Password Change
_587 Submission
_588 CAL
_589 EyeLink
_590 TNS CML
_591 FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
_592 Eudora Set
_593 HTTP RPC Ep Map
_594 TPIP
_595 CAB Protocol
_596 SMSD
_597 PTC Name Service
_598 SCO Web Server Manager 3
_599 Aeolon Core Protocol
_600 Sun IPC server
_601 Reliable Syslog Service
_605 SOAP over BEEP
_606 Cray Unified Resource Manager
_607 nqs
_608 Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
_609 npmp-trap
_610 npmp-local
_611 npmp-gui
_612 HMMP Indication
_613 HMMP Operation
_614 SSLshell
_615 Internet Configuration Manager
_616 SCO System Administration Server
_617 SCO Desktop Administration Server
_619 Compaq EVM
_620 SCO WebServer Manager
_621 ESCP
_622 Collaborator
_623 Aux Bus Shunt
_624 Crypto Admin
_625 DEC DLM
_626 ASIA
_627 PassGo Tivoli
_628 QMQP
_629 3Com AMP3
_630 RDA
_631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
_632 bmpp
_633 Service Status update (Sterling Software)
_634 ginad
_635 RLZ DBase
_636 ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)
_637 lanserver
_638 mcns-sec
_639 MSDP
_640 entrust-sps
_641 repcmd
_642 ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
_643 SANity
_644 dwr
_645 PSSC
_646 LDP
_647 DHCP Failover
_648 Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
_649 Aminet
_650 OBEX
_653 RepCmd
_654 AODV
_655 TINC
_656 SPMP
_657 RMC
_658 TenFold
_660 MacOS Server Admin
_661 HAP
_662 PFTP
_663 PureNoise
_664 Secure Aux Bus
_665 Sun DR
_666 doom Id Software
_667 campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
_668 MeComm
_669 MeRegister
_674 ACAP
_675 DCTP
_676 VPPS Via
_677 Virtual Presence Protocol
_678 GNU Generation Foundation NCP
_679 MRM
_680 entrust-aaas
_681 entrust-aams
_682 XFR
_685 MDC Port Mapper
_686 Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
_687 asipregistry
_689 NMAP
_690 VATP
_691 MS Exchange Routing
_692 Hyperwave-ISP
_693 connendp
_694 ha-cluster
_696 RUSHD
_698 OLSR
_699 Access Network
_704 errlog copy/server daemon
_705 AgentX
_706 SILC
_707 Borland DSJ
_709 EntrustManager
_710 Entrust Administration Service Handler
_711 Cisco TDP
_729 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
_730 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
_731 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
_741 netGW
_742 Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
_744 Flexible License Manager
_747 Fujitsu Device Control
_748 Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
_749 kerberos administration
_754 send
_767 phone
_777 Multiling HTTP
_786 Concert
_787 QSC
_810 FCP
_828 itm-mcell-s
_829 PKIX-3 CA/RA
_847 dhcp-failover 2
_873 rsync
_886 ICL coNETion locate server
_887 ICL coNETion server info
_888 AccessBuilder
_900 OMG Initial Refs
_911 xact-backup
_912 APEX relay-relay service
_913 APEX endpoint-relay service
_989 ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
_990 ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
_991 Netnews Administration System
_992 telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
_993 imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
_994 irc protocol over TLS/SSL
_995 pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
_996 Central Point Software
_1001 WEB ex trojan
_1010 surf
_1023 Reserved
_1024 Reserved
_1025 network blackjack
_1027 ICQ?
_1030 BBN IAD
_1031 BBN IAD
_1032 BBN IAD
_1036 RADAR Service Protocol
_1040 Netarx
_1045 Fingerprint Image Transfer Protocol
_1047 Suns NEO Object Request Broker
_1048 Suns NEO Object Request Broker
_1049 Tobit David Postman VPMN
_1050 CORBA Management Agent
_1051 Optima VNET
_1052 Dynamic DNS Tools
_1053 Remote Assistant (RA)
_1055 ANSYS - License Manager
_1056 VFO
_1058 nim
_1059 nimreg
_1061 KIOSK
_1062 Veracity
_1063 KyoceraNetDev
_1064 JSTEL
_1066 FPO-FNS
_1067 Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
_1068 Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
_1070 GMRUpdateSERV
_1072 CARDAX
_1073 BridgeControl
_1074 FASTechnologies License Manager
_1076 DAB STI-C
_1077 IMGames
_1078 eManageCstp
_1079 ASPROVATalk
_1080 Socks
_1083 Anasoft License Manager
_1084 Anasoft License Manager
_1085 Web Objects
_1086 CPL Scrambler Logging
_1087 CPL Scrambler Internal
_1088 CPL Scrambler Alarm Log
_1089 FF Annunciation
_1090 FF Fieldbus Message Specification
_1091 FF System Management
_1092 Open Business Reporting Protocol
_1093 PROOFD
_1094 ROOTD
_1095 NICELink
_1096 Common Name Resolution Protocol
_1097 Sun Cluster Manager
_1098 RMI Activation
_1099 RMI Registry
_1100 MCTP
_1104 XRL
_1108 ratio-adp
_1110 Cluster status info
_1111 LM Social Server
_1112 Intelligent Communication Protocol
_1114 Mini SQL
_1115 ARDUS Transfer
_1116 ARDUS Control
_1117 ARDUS Multicast Transfer
_1122 availant-mgr
_1123 Murray
_1155 Network File Access
_1161 Health Polling
_1162 Health Trap
_1180 Millicent Client Proxy
_1183 LL Surfup HTTP
_1184 LL Surfup HTTPS
_1185 Catchpole port
_1188 HP Web Admin
_1199 DMIDI
_1200 SCOL
_1201 Nucleus Sand
_1202 caiccipc
_1203 License Validation
_1204 Log Request Listener
_1205 Accord-MGC
_1206 Anthony Data
_1207 MetaSage
_1209 IPCD3
_1210 EOSS
_1211 Groove DPP
_1212 lupa
_1214 KAZAA
_1215 scanSTAT 1.0
_1216 ETEBAC 5
_1218 AeroFlight-ADs
_1219 AeroFlight-Ret
_1221 SweetWARE Apps
_1222 SNI R&D network
_1223 TGP
_1224 VPNz
_1227 DNS2Go
_1229 Novell ZFS
_1230 Periscope
_1231 menandmice-lpm
_1233 Universal App Server
_1234 Infoseek Search Agent
_1235 mosaicsyssvc1
_1236 bvcontrol
_1237 tsdos390
_1238 hacl-qs
_1239 NMSD
_1240 Instantia
_1241 nessus
_1242 NMAS over IP
_1243 SerialGateway
_1244 isbconference1
_1245 isbconference2
_1246 payrouter
_1247 VisionPyramid
_1248 hermes
_1249 Mesa Vista Co
_1250 swldy-sias
_1251 servergraph
_1252 bspne-pcc
_1253 q55-pcc
_1254 de-noc
_1255 de-cache-query
_1256 de-server
_1257 Shockwave 2
_1258 Open Network Library
_1259 Open Network Library Voice
_1260 ibm-ssd
_1261 mpshrsv
_1262 QNTS-ORB
_1263 dka
_1264 PRAT
_1267 pcmlinux
_1269 WATiLaPP
_1270 opsman
_1271 Dabew
_1272 CSPMLockMgr
_1273 EMC-Gateway
_1274 t1distproc
_1275 ivcollector
_1276 ivmanager
_1277 mqs
_1278 Dell Web Admin 1
_1279 Dell Web Admin 2
_1280 Pictrography
_1281 healthd
_1282 Emperion
_1283 ProductInfo
_1284 IEE-QFX
_1285 neoiface
_1286 netuitive
_1288 NavBuddy
_1289 JWalkServer
_1290 WinJaServer
_1292 dsdn
_1293 PKT-KRB-IPSec
_1294 CMMdriver
_1295 EETP
_1296 dproxy
_1297 sdproxy
_1298 lpcp
_1299 hp-sci
_1300 H323 Host Call Secure
_1301 CI3-Software-1
_1302 CI3-Software-2
_1303 sftsrv
_1304 Boomerang
_1305 pe-mike
_1306 RE-Conn-Proto
_1307 Pacmand
_1308 Optical Domain Service Interconnect (ODSI)
_1309 JTAG server
_1310 Husky
_1311 RxMon
_1312 STI Envision
_1314 Photoscript Distributed Printing System
_1315 E.L.S., Event Listener Service
_1316 Exbit-ESCP
_1317 vrts-ipcserver
_1318 krb5gatekeeper
_1319 Panja-ICSP
_1320 Panja-AXBNET
_1321 PIP
_1322 Novation
_1323 brcd
_1324 delta-mcp
_1325 DX-Instrument
_1326 WIMSIC
_1327 Ultrex
_1328 EWALL
_1329 netdb-export
_1330 StreetPerfect
_1331 intersan
_1332 PCIA RXP-B
_1333 Password Policy
_1334 writesrv
_1335 Digital Notary Protocol
_1336 Instant Service Chat
_1337 menandmice DNS
_1338 WMC-log-svr
_1339 kjtsiteserver
_1340 NAAP
_1341 QuBES
_1342 ESBroker
_1343 re101
_1344 ICAP
_1345 VPJP
_1346 Alta Analytics License Manager
_1347 multi media conferencing
_1348 multi media conferencing
_1349 Registration Network Protocol
_1350 Registration Network Protocol
_1351 Digital Tool Works (MIT)
_1352 Lotus Note
_1353 Relief Consulting
_1354 RightBrain Software
_1355 Intuitive Edge
_1356 CuillaMartin Company
_1357 Electronic PegBoard
_1359 FTSRV
_1360 MIMER
_1361 LinX
_1362 TimeFlies
_1363 Network DataMover Requester
_1364 Network DataMover Server
_1365 Network Software Associates
_1366 Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
_1367 DCS
_1368 ScreenCast
_1369 GlobalView to Unix Shell
_1370 Unix Shell to GlobalView
_1371 Fujitsu Config Protocol
_1372 Fujitsu Config Protocol
_1373 Chromagrafx
_1374 EPI Software Systems
_1375 Bytex
_1376 IBM Person to Person Software
_1377 Cichlid License Manager
_1378 Elan License Manager
_1379 Integrity Solutions
_1380 Telesis Network License Manager
_1381 Apple Network License Manager
_1382 udt_os
_1383 GW Hannaway Network License Manager
_1384 Objective Solutions License Manager
_1385 Atex Publishing License Manager
_1386 CheckSum License Manager
_1387 Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
_1388 Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
_1389 Document Manager
_1390 Storage Controller
_1391 Storage Access Server
_1392 Print Manager
_1393 Network Log Server
_1394 Network Log Client
_1395 PC Workstation Manager software
_1396 DVL Active Mail
_1397 Audio Active Mail
_1398 Video Active Mail
_1399 Cadkey License Manager
_1400 Cadkey Tablet Daemon
_1401 Goldleaf License Manager
_1402 Prospero Resource Manager
_1403 Prospero Resource Manager
_1404 Infinite Graphics License Manager
_1405 IBM Remote Execution Starter
_1406 NetLabs License Manager
_1407 DBSA License Manager
_1408 Sophia License Manager
_1409 Here License Manager
_1410 HiQ License Manager
_1411 AudioFile
_1412 InnoSys
_1413 Innosys-ACL
_1414 IBM MQSeries
_1415 DBStar
_1416 Novell LU6.2
_1417 Timbuktu Service 1 Port
_1418 Timbuktu Service 2 Port
_1419 Timbuktu Service 3 Port
_1420 Timbuktu Service 4 Port
_1421 Gandalf License Manager
_1422 Autodesk License Manager
_1423 Essbase Arbor Software
_1424 Hybrid Encryption Protocol
_1425 Zion Software License Manager
_1426 Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
_1427 mloadd monitoring tool
_1428 Informatik License Manager
_1429 Hypercom NMS
_1430 Hypercom TPDU
_1431 Reverse Gosip Transport
_1432 Blueberry Software License Manager
_1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server
_1434 Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
_1435 IBM CISC
_1436 Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
_1437 Tabula
_1438 Eicon Security Agent/Server
_1439 Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
_1440 Eicon Service Location Protocol
_1441 Cadis License Management
_1442 Cadis License Management
_1443 Integrated Engineering Software
_1444 Marcam License Management
_1445 Proxima License Manager
_1446 Optical Research Associates License Manager
_1447 Applied Parallel Research LM
_1448 OpenConnect License Manager
_1449 PEport
_1450 Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
_1451 IBM Information Management
_1452 GTE Government Systems License Man
_1453 Genie License Manager
_1454 interHDL License Manager
_1455 ESL License Manager
_1456 DCA
_1457 Valisys License Manager
_1458 Nichols Research Corp.
_1459 Proshare Notebook Application
_1460 Proshare Notebook Application
_1461 IBM Wireless LAN
_1462 World License Manager
_1463 Nucleus
_1464 MSL License Manager
_1465 Pipes Platform
_1466 Ocean Software License Manager
_1468 CSDM
_1469 Active Analysis Limited License Manager
_1470 Universal Analytics
_1471 csdmbase
_1472 csdm
_1473 OpenMath
_1474 Telefinder
_1475 Taligent License Manager
_1476 clvm-cfg
_1477 ms-sna-server
_1478 ms-sna-base
_1479 dberegister
_1480 PacerForum
_1481 AIRS
_1482 Miteksys License Manager
_1483 AFS License Manager
_1484 Confluent License Manager
_1485 LANSource
_1486 nms_topo_serv
_1487 LocalInfoSrvr
_1488 DocStor
_1489 dmdocbroker
_1490 insitu-conf
_1491 anynetgateway
_1492 stone-design-1
_1493 netmap_lm
_1494 ica
_1495 cvc
_1496 liberty-lm
_1497 rfx-lm
_1498 Watcom-SQL
_1499 Federico Heinz Consultora
_1500 VLSI License Manager
_1501 Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
_1502 Shiva
_1503 Databeam
_1504 EVB Software Engineering License Manager
_1505 Funk Software, Inc.
_1506 Universal Time daemon (utcd)
_1507 symplex
_1508 HP3000 Diagnostics Monitor Process (diagmon)
_1509 Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
_1510 Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
_1511 3l-l1
_1512 Microsofts Windows Internet Name Service
_1513 Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
_1514 Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
_1515 ifor-protocol
_1516 Virtual Places Audio data
_1517 Virtual Places Audio control
_1518 Virtual Places Video data
_1519 Virtual Places Video control
_1520 atm zip office
_1521 nCube License Manager
_1522 Ricardo North America License Manager
_1523 cichild
_1524 ingres
_1525 oracle
_1526 Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
_1527 oracle
_1528 micautoreg
_1529 oracle
_1530 rap-service
_1531 rap-listen
_1532 miroconnect
_1533 Virtual Places Software
_1534 micromuse-lm
_1535 ampr-info
_1536 HP Network File Transfer (nft)
_1537 HP3000 Virtual Terminal Protocol (nsvt)
_1538 3HP3000 Reverse Virtual Terminal (rvt)
_1539 Intellistor License Manager
_1540 HP program-to-program communications (ptop)
_1541 rds2
_1542 HP Remote Process Management (rpm)
_1543 simba-cs
_1544 aspeclmd
_1545 vistium-share
_1546 abbaccuray
_1547 laplink
_1548 Axon License Manager
_1549 Shiva Hose
_1550 Image Storage license manager 3M Company
_1552 pciarray
_1553 sna-cs
_1554 CACI Products Company License Manager
_1555 livelan
_1556 AshWin CI Tecnologies
_1557 ArborText License Manager
_1558 xingmpeg
_1559 web2host
_1560 asci-val
_1561 facilityview
_1562 pconnectmgr
_1563 Cadabra License Manager
_1564 Pay-Per-View
_1565 WinDD
_1567 jlicelmd
_1568 tsspmap
_1569 ets
_1570 HP3000 Arpa Virtual Terminal Protocol (arpavt)
_1571 Oracle Remote Data Base
_1572 Chipcom License Manager
_1573 itscomm-ns
_1574 mvel-lm
_1575 oraclenames
_1576 moldflow-lm
_1577 hypercube-lm
_1578 Jacobus License Manager
_1579 ioc-sea-lm
_1580 tn-tl-r1
_1581 MIL-2045-47001
_1582 MSIMS
_1583 simbaexpress
_1584 tn-tl-fd2
_1585 intv
_1586 ibm-abtact
_1587 pra_elmd
_1588 triquest-lm
_1589 VQP
_1590 gemini-lm
_1591 ncpm-pm
_1592 commonspace
_1593 mainsoft-lm
_1594 sixtrak
_1595 radio
_1596 radio-sm
_1597 orbplus-iiop
_1598 picknfs
_1599 simbaservices
_1601 aas
_1602 inspect
_1603 pickodbc
_1604 icabrowser
_1605 Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
_1606 Salutation Manager (SLM-API)
_1607 stt
_1608 Smart Corp. License Manager
_1609 isysg-lm
_1610 taurus-wh
_1611 Inter Library Loan
_1612 NetBill Transaction Server
_1613 NetBill Key Repository
_1614 NetBill Credential Server
_1615 NetBill Authorization Server
_1616 NetBill Product Server
_1617 Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
_1618 skytelnet
_1619 xs-openstorage
_1620 faxportwinport
_1621 softdataphone
_1622 ontime
_1623 jaleosnd
_1624 udp-sr-port
_1625 svs-omagent
_1626 Shockwave
_1627 T.128 Gateway
_1628 LonTalk normal
_1629 LonTalk urgent
_1630 Oracle Net8 Cman
_1631 Visit view
_1634 Log On America Probe
_1635 EDB Server 1
_1636 CableNet Control Protocol
_1637 CableNet Admin Protocol
_1638 CableNet Info Protocol
_1639 cert-initiator
_1640 cert-responder
_1641 InVision
_1642 isis-am
_1643 isis-ambc
_1644 Satellite-data Acquisition System 4
_1645 SightLine
_1646 sa-msg-port
_1647 rsap
_1648 concurrent-lm
_1649 kermit
_1650 nkdn
_1651 proshare conf audio
_1652 proshare conf video
_1653 proshare conf data
_1654 proshare conf request
_1655 proshare conf notify
_1656 dec-mbadmin-h
_1657 fujitsu-mmpdc
_1658 sixnetudr
_1659 Silicon Grail License Manager
_1660 skip-mc-gikreq
_1661 netview-aix-1
_1662 netview-aix-2
_1663 netview-aix-3
_1664 netview-aix-4
_1665 netview-aix-5
_1666 netview-aix-6
_1667 netview-aix-7
_1668 netview-aix-8
_1669 netview-aix-9
_1670 netview-aix-10
_1671 netview-aix-11
_1672 netview-aix-12
_1673 Intel Proshare Multicast
_1674 Intel Proshare Multicast
_1675 Pacific Data Products
_1676 netcomm1
_1677 groupwise
_1678 prolink
_1679 darcorp-lm
_1680 microcom-sbp
_1681 sd-elmd
_1682 lanyon-lantern
_1683 ncpm-hip
_1684 SnareSecure
_1685 n2nremote
_1686 cvmon
_1687 nsjtp-ctrl
_1688 nsjtp-data
_1689 firefox
_1690 ng-umds
_1691 empire-empuma
_1692 sstsys-lm
_1693 rrirtr
_1694 rrimwm
_1695 rrilwm
_1696 rrifmm
_1697 rrisat
_1700 mps-raft
_1701 l2f
_1702 deskshare
_1703 hb-engine
_1704 bcs-broker
_1705 slingshot
_1706 jetform
_1707 vdmplay
_1708 gat-lmd
_1709 centra
_1710 impera
_1711 pptconference
_1712 resource monitoring service
_1713 ConferenceTalk
_1714 sesi-lm
_1715 houdini-lm
_1716 xmsg
_1717 fj-hdnet
_1718 h323gatedisc
_1719 h323gatestat
_1720 h323hostcall
_1721 caicci
_1722 HKS License Manager
_1723 pptp
_1724 csbphonemaster
_1725 iden-ralp
_1727 winddx
_1729 CityNL License Management
_1730 roketz
_1731 MSICCP
_1732 proxim
_1733 SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission
_1734 Camber Corporation License Management
_1735 PrivateChat
_1736 street-stream
_1737 ultimad
_1738 GameGen1
_1739 webaccess
_1740 encore
_1741 cisco-net-mgmt
_1742 3Com-nsd
_1743 Cinema Graphics License Manager
_1744 ncpm-ft
_1745 remote-winsock
_1746 ftrapid-1
_1747 ftrapid-2
_1748 oracle-em1
_1749 aspen-services
_1750 Simple Socket Librarys PortMaster
_1751 SwiftNet
_1752 Leap of Faith Research License Manager
_1753 Translogic License Manager
_1754 oracle-em2
_1755 ms-streaming
_1756 capfast-lmd
_1757 cnhrp
_1758 tftp-mcast
_1759 SPSS License Manager
_1760 www-ldap-gw
_1761 cft-0
_1762 cft-1
_1763 cft-2
_1764 cft-3
_1765 cft-4
_1766 cft-5
_1767 cft-6
_1768 cft-7
_1769 bmc-net-adm
_1770 bmc-net-svc
_1771 vaultbase
_1772 EssWeb Gateway
_1773 KMSControl
_1774 global-dtserv
_1776 Federal Emergency Management Information System
_1777 powerguardian
_1778 prodigy-internet
_1779 pharmasoft
_1780 dpkeyserv
_1781 answersoft-lm
_1782 hp-hcip
_1783 Fujitsu Remote Install Service
_1784 Finle License Manager
_1785 Wind River Systems License Manager
_1786 funk-logger
_1787 funk-license
_1788 psmond
_1789 hello
_1790 Narrative Media Streaming Protocol
_1791 EA1
_1792 ibm-dt-2
_1793 rsc-robot
_1794 cera-bcm
_1795 dpi-proxy
_1796 Vocaltec Server Administration
_1797 UMA
_1798 Event Transfer Protocol
_1800 ANSYS-License manager
_1801 Microsoft Message Que
_1802 ConComp1
_1804 ENL
_1805 ENL-Name
_1806 Musiconline
_1807 Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol
_1808 Oracle-VP2
_1809 Oracle-VP1
_1810 Jerand License Manager
_1811 Scientia-SDB
_1812 RADIUS
_1813 RADIUS Accounting
_1814 TDP Suite
_1815 MMPFT
_1816 HARP
_1817 RKB-OSCS
_1818 Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol
_1819 Plato License Manager
_1820 mcagent
_1821 donnyworld
_1822 es-elmd
_1823 Unisys Natural Language License Manager
_1824 metrics-pas
_1825 DirecPC Video
_1826 ARDT
_1827 ASI
_1828 itm-mcell-u
_1829 Optika eMedia
_1830 Oracle Net8 CMan Admin
_1831 Myrtle
_1832 ThoughtTreasure
_1833 udpradio
_1834 ARDUS Unicast
_1835 ARDUS Multicast
_1836 ste-smsc
_1837 csoft1
_1838 TALNET
_1839 netopia-vo1
_1840 netopia-vo2
_1841 netopia-vo3
_1842 netopia-vo4
_1843 netopia-vo5
_1844 DirecPC-DLL
_1845 altalink
_1846 Tunstall PNC
_1847 SLP Notification
_1848 fjdocdist
_1850 GSI
_1851 ctcd
_1852 Virtual Time
_1854 Buddy Draw
_1855 Fiorano RtrSvc
_1856 Fiorano MsgSvc
_1857 DataCaptor
_1858 PrivateArk
_1859 Gamma Fetcher Server
_1860 SunSCALAR Services
_1861 LeCroy VICP
_1862 techra-server
_1863 MSNP
_1864 Paradym 31 Port
_1865 ENTP
_1866 swrmi
_1867 UDRIVE
_1868 VizibleBrowser
_1869 YesTrader
_1870 SunSCALAR DNS Service
_1871 Cano Central 0
_1872 Cano Central 1
_1873 Fjmpjps
_1874 Fjswapsnp
_1875 westell stats
_1876 ewcappsrv
_1877 hp-webqosdb
_1878 drmsmc
_1879 NettGain NMS
_1880 Gilat VSAT Control
_1881 IBM MQSeries
_1882 ecsqdmn
_1883 IBM MQSeries SCADA
_1884 Internet Distance Map Svc
_1885 Veritas Trap Server
_1886 Leonardo over IP
_1887 FileX Listening Port
_1888 NC Config Port
_1889 Unify Web Adapter Service
_1890 wilkenListener
_1891 ChildKey Notification
_1892 ChildKey Control
_1893 ELAD Protocol
_1894 O2Server Port
_1896 b-novative license server
_1897 MetaAgent
_1898 Cymtec secure management
_1899 MC2Studios
_1900 SSDP
_1901 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A
_1902 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B
_1903 Local Link Name Resolution
_1904 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C
_1905 Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol
_1906 TPortMapperReq
_1907 IntraSTAR
_1908 Dawn
_1909 Global World Link
_1910 ultrabac
_1911 Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol
_1912 rhp-iibp
_1913 armadp
_1914 Elm-Momentum
_1916 Persoft Persona
_1917 nOAgent
_1918 Candle Directory Service - NDS
_1919 Candle Directory Service - DCH
_1920 Candle Directory Service - FERRET
_1921 NoAdmin
_1922 Tapestry
_1923 SPICE
_1924 XIIP
_1925 Surrogate Discovery Port
_1926 Evolution Game Server
_1927 Videte CIPC Port
_1928 Expnd Maui Srvr Dscovr
_1929 Bandwiz System - Server
_1930 Drive AppServer
_1932 CTT Broker
_1933 IBM LM MT Agent
_1934 IBM LM Appl Agent
_1935 TinCan
_1936 JetCmeServer Server Port
_1937 JetVWay Server Port
_1938 JetVWay Client Port
_1939 JetVision Server Port
_1940 JetVision Client Port
_1941 DIC-Aida
_1942 Real Enterprise Service
_1943 Beeyond Media
_1944 close-combat
_1945 dialogic-elmd
_1946 tekpls
_1947 hlserver
_1948 eye2eye
_1949 ISMA Easdaq Live
_1950 ISMA Easdaq Test
_1951 bcs-lmserver
_1952 mpnjsc
_1953 Rapid Base
_1954 ABR-Basic Data
_1955 ABR-Secure Data
_1956 Vertel VMF DS
_1957 unix-status
_1958 CA Administration Daemon
_1959 SIMP Channel
_1960 Merit DAC NASmanager
_1962 BIAP-MP
_1963 WebMachine
_1965 Tivoli NPM
_1966 Slush
_1967 SNS Quote
_1968 LIPSinc
_1969 LIPSinc 1
_1970 NetOp Remote Control
_1971 NetOp School
_1972 Cache
_1973 Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol
_1974 DRP
_1975 TCO Flash Agent
_1976 TCO Reg Agent
_1977 TCO Address Book
_1978 UniSQL
_1979 UniSQL Java
_1980 PearlDoc XACT
_1981 p2pQ
_1982 Evidentiary Timestamp
_1983 Loophole Test Protocol
_1984 BB
_1985 Hot Standby Router Protocol
_1986 cisco license management
_1987 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
_1988 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
_1989 cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
_1990 cisco STUN Priority 1 port
_1991 cisco STUN Priority 2 port
_1992 cisco STUN Priority 3 port
_1993 cisco SNMP TCP port
_1994 cisco serial tunnel port
_1995 cisco perf port
_1996 cisco Remote SRB port
_1997 cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
_1998 cisco X.25 service (XOT)
_1999 cisco identification port
_2011 raid
_2037 P2plus Application Server
_2042 isis
_2043 isis-bcast
_2049 Network File System - Sun Microsystems
_2050 Avaya EMB Config Port
_2051 EPNSDP
_2052 clearVisn Services Port
_2053 Lot105 DSuper Updates
_2054 Weblogin Port
_2055 Iliad-Odyssey Protocol
_2056 OmniSky Port
_2057 Rich Content Protocol
_2058 NewWaveSearchables RMI
_2059 BMC Messaging Service
_2060 Telenium Daemon IF
_2061 NetMount
_2062 ICG SWP Port
_2063 ICG Bridge Port
_2064 ICG IP Relay Port
_2065 Data Link Switch Read Port Number
_2067 Data Link Switch Write Port Number
_2068 Avocent AuthSrv Protocol
_2069 HTTP Event Port
_2070 AH and ESP Encapsulated in UDP packet
_2071 Axon Control Protocol
_2072 GlobeCast mSync
_2073 DataReel Database Socket
_2074 Vertel VMF SA
_2075 Newlix ServerWare Engine
_2076 Newlix JSPConfig
_2077 TrelliSoft Agent
_2078 TrelliSoft Server
_2079 IDWARE Router Port
_2080 Autodesk NLM (FLEXlm)
_2082 Infowave Mobility Server
_2087 ELI - Event Logging Integration
_2089 Security Encapsulation Protocol - SEP
_2090 Load Report Protocol
_2091 PRP
_2092 Descent 3
_2093 NBX CC
_2094 NBX AU
_2095 NBX SER
_2096 NBX DIR
_2097 Jet Form Preview
_2098 Dialog Port
_2099 H.225.0 Annex G
_2100 amiganetfs
_2101 rtcm-sc104
_2102 Zephyr server
_2103 Zephyr serv-hm connection
_2104 Zephyr hostmanager
_2105 MiniPay
_2106 MZAP
_2107 BinTec Admin
_2108 Comcam
_2109 Ergolight
_2110 UMSP
_2111 DSATP
_2112 Idonix MetaNet
_2113 HSL StoRM
_2115 KDM
_2120 Quick Eagle Networks CP
_2122 CauPC Remote Control
_2123 GTP-Control Plane (3GPP)
_2126 PktCable-COPS
_2128 Net Steward Control
_2129 cs-live.com
_2130 SWC-XDS
_2131 Avantageb2b
_2134 AVENUE
_2135 Grid Resource Information Server
_2139 IAS-AUTH
_2140 IAS-REG
_2143 Live Vault Job Control
_2144 Live Vault Fast Object Transfer
_2145 Live Vault Remote Diagnostic Console Support
_2146 Live Vault Admin Event Notification
_2147 Live Vault Authentication
_2151 DOCENT
_2152 GTP-User Plane (3GPP)
_2159 GDB Remote Debug Port
_2160 APC Central Mgmt Server
_2161 APC Agent
_2162 Navisphere
_2163 Navisphere Secure
_2164 Dynamic DNS Version 3
_2165 X-Bone API
_2166 iwserver
_2167 Raw Async Serial Link
_2180 Millicent Vendor Gateway Server
_2181 eforward
_2200 ICI
_2201 Advanced Training System Program
_2202 Int. Multimedia Teleconferencing Cosortium
_2213 Kali
_2220 NetIQ End2End
_2221 Rockwell CSP1
_2222 Rockwell CSP2
_2223 Rockwell CSP3
_2232 IVS Video default
_2234 DirectPlay
_2235 Sercomm-WLink
_2236 Nani
_2237 Optech Port1 License Manager
_2239 Image Query
_2240 RECIPe
_2241 IVS Daemon
_2242 Folio Remote Server
_2243 Magicom Protocol
_2244 NMS Server
_2245 HaO
_2246 PacketCable MTA Addr Map
_2248 User Management Service
_2249 RISO File Manager Protocol
_2250 remote-collab
_2251 Distributed Framework Port
_2252 NJENET using SSL
_2253 DTV Channel Request
_2254 Seismic P.O.C. Port
_2255 VRTP - ViRtue Transfer Protocol
_2260 APC Console Comm Port
_2279 xmquery
_2286 NAS-Metering
_2287 DNA
_2288 NETML
_2294 Konshus License Manager (FLEX)
_2295 Advant License Manager
_2296 Theta License Manager (Rainbow)
_2297 D2K DataMover 1
_2298 D2K DataMover 2
_2299 PC Telecommute
_2300 CVMMON
_2301 Compaq HTTP
_2302 Bindery Support
_2303 Proxy Gateway
_2304 Attachmate UTS
_2305 MT ScaleServer
_2306 TAPPI BoxNet
_2307 pehelp
_2308 sdhelp
_2309 SD Server
_2310 SD Client
_2311 Message Service
_2313 IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol)
_2314 CR WebSystems
_2315 Precise Sft.
_2316 SENT License Manager
_2317 Attachmate G32
_2318 Cadence Control
_2319 InfoLibria
_2320 Siebel NS
_2321 RDLAP
_2322 ofsd
_2323 3d-nfsd
_2324 Cosmocall
_2325 Design Space License Management
_2326 IDCP
_2327 xingcsm
_2328 Netrix SFTM
_2329 NVD
_2332 RCC Host
_2333 SNAPP
_2334 ACE Client Auth
_2335 ACE Proxy
_2336 Apple UG Control
_2337 ideesrv
_2338 Norton Lambert
_2339 3Com WebView
_2340 WRS Registry
_2341 XIO Status
_2342 Seagate Manage Exec
_2343 nati logos
_2344 fcmsys
_2345 dbm
_2346 Game Connection Port
_2347 Game Announcement and Location
_2348 Information to query for game status
_2349 Diagnostics Port
_2350 psbserver
_2351 psrserver
_2352 pslserver
_2353 pspserver
_2354 psprserver
_2355 psdbserver
_2356 GXT License Managemant
_2357 UniHub Server
_2358 Futrix
_2359 FlukeServer
_2360 NexstorIndLtd
_2361 TL1
_2362 digiman
_2363 Media Central NFSD
_2364 OI-2000
_2365 dbref
_2366 qip-login
_2367 Service Control
_2368 OpenTable
_2369 ACS2000 DSP
_2370 L3-HBMon
_2371 Compaq WorldWire Port
_2381 Compaq HTTPS
_2382 Microsoft OLAP
_2383 Microsoft OLAP
_2385 SD-DATA
_2386 Virtual Tape
_2387 VSAM Redirector
_2388 MYNAH AutoStart
_2389 OpenView Session Mgr
_2390 RSMTP
_2391 3COM Net Management
_2392 Tactical Auth
_2393 MS OLAP 1
_2394 MS OLAP 2
_2395 LAN900 Remote
_2396 Wusage
_2397 NCL
_2398 Orbiter
_2399 FileMaker, Inc. - Data Access Layer
_2400 OpEquus Server
_2401 cvspserver
_2402 TaskMaster 2000 Server
_2403 TaskMaster 2000 Web
_2404 IEC870-5-104
_2405 TRC Netpoll
_2406 JediServer
_2407 Orion
_2408 OptimaNet
_2409 SNS Protocol
_2410 VRTS Registry
_2411 Netwave AP Management
_2412 CDN
_2413 orion-rmi-reg
_2414 Beeyond
_2416 RMT Server
_2417 Composit Server
_2418 cas
_2419 Attachmate S2S
_2420 DSL Remote Management
_2421 G-Talk
_2423 RNRP
_2425 Fujitsu App Manager
_2426 Appliant TCP
_2427 Media Gateway Control Protocol Gateway
_2428 One Way Trip Time
_2429 FT-ROLE
_2430 venus
_2431 venus-se
_2432 codasrv
_2433 codasrv-se
_2434 pxc-epmap
_2435 OptiLogic
_2436 TOP/X
_2437 UniControl
_2438 MSP
_2439 SybaseDBSynch
_2440 Spearway Lockers
_2441 pvsw-inet
_2442 Netangel
_2443 PowerClient Central Storage Facility
_2444 BT PP2 Sectrans
_2445 DTN1
_2446 bues_service
_2447 OpenView NNM daemon
_2448 hpppsvr
_2449 RATL
_2450 netadmin
_2451 netchat
_2452 SnifferClient
_2453 madge-om
_2454 IndX-DDS
_2456 altav-remmgt
_2457 Rapido_IP
_2458 griffin
_2459 Community
_2460 ms-theater
_2461 qadmifoper
_2462 qadmifevent
_2463 Symbios Raid
_2464 DirecPC SI
_2465 Load Balance Management
_2466 Load Balance Forwarding
_2467 High Criteria
_2468 qip_msgd
_2470 taskman port
_2471 SeaODBC
_2472 C3
_2473 Aker-cdp
_2474 Vital Analysis
_2475 ACE Server
_2476 ACE Server Propagation
_2477 SecurSight Certificate Valifation Service
_2478 SecurSight Authentication Server (SSL)
_2479 SecurSight Event Logging Server (SSL)
_2480 Lingwoods Detail
_2481 Oracle GIOP
_2482 Oracle GIOP SSL
_2483 Oracle TTC
_2484 Oracle TTC SSL
_2485 Net Objects1
_2486 Net Objects2
_2487 Policy Notice Service
_2488 Moy Corporation
_2489 TSILB
_2490 qip_qdhcp
_2491 Conclave CPP
_2492 GROOVE
_2493 Talarian MQS
_2494 BMC AR
_2495 Fast Remote Services
_2496 DIRGIS
_2497 Quad DB
_2498 ODN-CasTraq
_2499 UniControl
_2500 Resource Tracking system server
_2501 Resource Tracking system client
_2502 Kentrox Protocol
_2504 WLBS
_2505 torque-traffic
_2506 jbroker
_2507 spock
_2508 JDataStore
_2509 fjmpss
_2510 fjappmgrbulk
_2511 Metastorm
_2512 Citrix IMA
_2513 Citrix ADMIN
_2514 Facsys NTP
_2515 Facsys Router
_2516 Main Control
_2517 H.323 Annex E call signaling transport
_2518 Willy
_2519 globmsgsvc
_2520 pvsw
_2521 Adaptec Manager
_2522 WinDb
_2523 Qke LLC V.3
_2524 Optiwave License Management
_2525 MS V-Worlds
_2526 EMA License Manager
_2527 IQ Server
_2528 NCR CCL
_2529 UTS FTP
_2530 VR Commerce
_2531 ITO-E GUI
_2533 SnifferServer
_2534 Combox Web Access
_2535 MADCAP
_2536 btpp2audctr1
_2537 Upgrade Protocol
_2538 vnwk-prapi
_2539 VSI Admin
_2540 LonWorks
_2541 LonWorks2
_2542 daVinci
_2543 REFTEK
_2544 Novell ZEN
_2545 sis-emt
_2546 vytalvaultbrtp
_2547 vytalvaultvsmp
_2548 vytalvaultpipe
_2549 IPASS
_2550 ADS
_2551 ISG UDA Server
_2552 Call Logging
_2553 efidiningport
_2554 VCnet-Link v10
_2555 Compaq WCP
_2556 nicetec-nmsvc
_2557 nicetec-mgmt
_2558 PCLE Multi Media
_2559 LSTP
_2560 labrat
_2561 MosaixCC
_2562 Delibo
_2563 CTI Redwood
_2564 HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet
_2565 Coordinator Server
_2566 pcs-pcw
_2567 Cisco Line Protocol
_2569 Sonus Call Signal
_2570 HS Port
_2571 CECSVC
_2572 IBP
_2573 Trust Establish
_2574 Blockade BPSP
_2575 HL7
_2576 TCL Pro Debugger
_2577 Scriptics Lsrvr
_2579 mpfoncl
_2580 Tributary
_2581 ARGIS TE
_2582 ARGIS DS
_2583 MON
_2584 cyaserv
_2585 NETX Server
_2586 NETX Agent
_2587 MASC
_2588 Privilege
_2589 quartus tcl
_2590 idotdist
_2591 Maytag Shuffle
_2592 netrek
_2593 MNS Mail Notice Service
_2594 Data Base Server
_2595 World Fusion 1
_2596 World Fusion 2
_2597 Homestead Glory
_2598 Citrix MA Client
_2599 Meridian Data
_2601 discp client
_2602 discp server
_2603 Service Meter
_2604 NSC CCS
_2605 NSC POSA
_2606 Dell Netmon
_2607 Dell Connection
_2608 Wag Service
_2609 System Monitor
_2610 VersaTek
_2612 Qpasa Agent
_2613 SMNTUBootstrap
_2614 Never Offline
_2615 firepower
_2616 appswitch-emp
_2617 Clinical Context Managers
_2618 Priority E-Com
_2619 bruce
_2620 LPSRecommender
_2621 Miles Apart Jukebox Server
_2622 MetricaDBC
_2623 LMDP
_2624 Aria
_2625 Blwnkl Port
_2626 gbjd816
_2627 Moshe Beeri
_2628 DICT
_2629 Sitara Server
_2630 Sitara Management
_2631 Sitara Dir
_2632 IRdg Post
_2633 InterIntelli
_2634 PK Electronics
_2635 Back Burner
_2636 Solve
_2637 Import Document Service
_2638 Sybase Anywhere
_2639 AMInet
_2640 Sabbagh Associates Licence Manager
_2641 HDL Server
_2642 Tragic
_2643 GTE-SAMP
_2644 Travsoft IPX Tunnel
_2645 Novell IPX CMD
_2646 AND License Manager
_2647 SyncServer
_2648 Upsnotifyprot
_2650 eristwoguns
_2651 EBInSite
_2652 InterPathPanel
_2653 Sonus
_2654 Corel VNC Admin
_2655 UNIX Nt Glue
_2656 Kana
_2657 SNS Dispatcher
_2658 SNS Admin
_2659 SNS Query
_2660 GC Monitor
_2661 OLHOST
_2662 BinTec-CAPI
_2663 BinTec-TAPI
_2664 Patrol for MQ GM
_2665 Patrol for MQ NM
_2666 extensis
_2667 Alarm Clock Server
_2668 Alarm Clock Client
_2669 TOAD
_2670 TVE Announce
_2671 newlixreg
_2672 nhserver
_2673 First Call 42
_2674 ewnn
_2675 TTC ETAP
_2676 SIMSLink
_2677 Gadget Gate 1 Way
_2678 Gadget Gate 2 Way
_2679 Sync Server SSL
_2680 pxc-sapxom
_2681 mpnjsomb
_2682 SRSP
_2683 NCDLoadBalance
_2684 mpnjsosv
_2685 mpnjsocl
_2686 mpnjsomg
_2687 pq-lic-mgmt
_2688 md-cf-http
_2689 FastLynx
_2690 HP NNM Embedded Database
_2691 ITInternet ISM Server
_2692 Admins LMS
_2693 belarc-http
_2694 pwrsevent
_2696 Unify Admin
_2697 Oce SNMP Trap Port
_2699 Csoft Plus Client
_2700 tqdata
_2702 SMS XFER
_2703 SMS CHAT
_2705 SDS Admin
_2706 NCD Mirroring
_2708 Banyan-Net
_2709 Supermon
_2710 SSO Service
_2711 SSO Control
_2712 Axapta Object Communication Protocol
_2713 Raven1
_2714 Raven2
_2716 Inova IP Disco
_2719 Scan & Change
_2720 wkars
_2721 Smart Diagnose
_2722 Proactive Server
_2723 WatchDog NT
_2724 qotps
_2726 TAMS
_2727 Media Gateway Control Protocol Call Agent
_2728 SQDR
_2729 TCIM Control
_2730 NEC RaidPlus
_2731 Fyre Messanger
_2732 G5M
_2733 Signet CTF
_2734 CCS Software
_2735 NetIQ Monitor Console
_2737 SRP Feedback
_2738 NDL TCP-OSI Gateway
_2739 TN Timing
_2740 Alarm
_2741 TSB
_2742 TSB2
_2743 murx
_2744 honyaku
_2753 de-spot
_2755 Express Pay
_2756 simplement-tie
_2757 CNRP
_2758 APOLLO Status
_2760 Saba MS
_2763 Desktop DNA
_2764 Data Insurance
_2765 qip-audup
_2766 Compaq SCP
_2767 UADTC
_2768 UACS
_2769 Single Point MVS
_2770 Veronica
_2771 Vergence CM
_2772 auris
_2773 PC Backup
_2774 PC Backup
_2775 SMPP
_2776 Ridgeway Systems & Software
_2777 Ridgeway Systems & Software
_2778 Gwen-Sonya
_2779 LBC Sync
_2780 LBC Control
_2781 whosells
_2782 everydayrc
_2783 AISES
_2784 world wide web - development
_2785 aic-np
_2786 aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database
_2787 piccolo - Cornerstone Software
_2788 NetWare Loadable Module - Seagate Software
_2789 Media Agent
_2790 PLG Proxy
_2791 MT Port Registrator
_2792 f5-globalsite
_2793 initlsmsad
_2794 aaftp
_2795 LiveStats
_2796 ac-tech
_2797 esp-encap
_2798 TMESIS-UPShot
_2799 ICON Discover
_2800 ACC RAID
_2801 IGCP
_2802 Veritas TCP1
_2803 btprjctrl
_2804 Telexis VTU
_2805 WTA WSP-S
_2806 cspuni
_2807 cspmulti
_2808 J-LAN-P
_2810 Active Net Steward
_2811 GSI FTP
_2812 atmtcp
_2813 llm-pass
_2814 llm-csv
_2815 LBC Measurement
_2816 LBC Watchdog
_2817 NMSig Port
_2818 rmlnk
_2819 FC Fault Notification
_2820 UniVision
_2821 vml_dms
_2822 ka0wuc
_2823 CQG Net/LAN
_2824 CQG Net/LAN 1
_2826 slc systemlog
_2827 slc ctrlrloops
_2828 ITM License Manager
_2829 silkp1
_2830 silkp2
_2831 silkp3
_2832 silkp4
_2833 glishd
_2834 EVTP
_2836 catalyst
_2837 Repliweb
_2838 Starbot
_2839 NMSigPort
_2840 l3-exprt
_2841 l3-ranger
_2842 l3-hawk
_2843 PDnet
_2846 AIMPP Hello
_2847 AIMPP Port Req
_2849 FXP
_2850 MetaConsole
_2851 webemshttp
_2852 bears-01
_2853 ISPipes
_2854 InfoMover
_2856 cesdinv
_2857 SimCtIP
_2858 ECNP
_2859 Active Memory
_2860 Dialpad Voice 1
_2861 Dialpad Voice 2
_2862 TTG Protocol
_2863 Sonar Data
_2864 main 5001 cmd
_2865 pit-vpn
_2866 iwlistener
_2867 esps-portal
_2868 NPEP Messaging
_2869 ICSLAP
_2870 daishi
_2871 MSI Select Play
_2872 RADIX
_2873 PASPAR2 ZoomIn
_2874 dxmessagebase1
_2875 dxmessagebase2
_2876 SPS Tunnel
_2878 AAP
_2879 ucentric-ds
_2880 synapse
_2881 NDSP
_2882 NDTP
_2883 NDNP
_2884 Flash Msg
_2885 TopFlow
_2887 aironet
_2889 RSOM
_2891 CINEGRFX-ELMD License Manager
_2897 Citrix RTMP
_2902 NET ASPI
_2904 M2UA
_2905 M3UA
_2906 CALLER9
_2908 mao
_2909 Funk Dialout
_2910 TDAccess
_2911 Blockade
_2912 Epicon
_2913 Booster Ware
_2914 Game Lobby
_2915 TK Socket
_2916 Elvin Server
_2917 Elvin Client
_2918 Kasten Chase Pad
_2919 ROBOER
_2921 CESD Contents Delivery Management
_2922 CESD Contents Delivery Data Transfer
_2931 Circle-X
_2932 INCP
_2933 4-TIER OPM GW
_2934 4-TIER OPM CLI
_2935 QTP
_2936 OTPatch
_2938 SM-PAS-1
_2939 SM-PAS-2
_2940 SM-PAS-3
_2941 SM-PAS-4
_2942 SM-PAS-5
_2943 TTNRepository
_2944 Megaco H-248
_2945 H248 Binary
_2946 FJSVmpor
_2947 GPSD
_2948 WAP PUSH
_2950 ESIP
_2951 OTTP
_2957 JAMCT5
_2958 JAMCT6
_2968 ENPP
_2969 ESSP
_2971 Net Clip
_2972 PMSM Webrctl
_2973 SV Networks
_2974 Signal
_2975 Fujitsu Configuration Management Service
_2976 CNS Server Port
_2977 TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - NS
_2978 TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - DS
_2979 H.263 Video Streaming
_2980 Instant Messaging Service
_2987 identify
_2988 HIPPA Reporting Protocol
_2989 ZARKOV
_2990 BOSCAP
_2992 ITB301
_2995 IDRS
_2996 vsixml
_2997 REBOL
_2998 Real Secure
_2999 RemoteWare Unassigned
_3000 HBCI
_3001 Redwood Broker
_3002 EXLM Agent
_3003 CGMS
_3004 Csoft Agent
_3005 Genius License Manager
_3006 Instant Internet Admin
_3007 Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Protocol
_3008 Midnight Technologies
_3009 PXC-NTFY
_3010 Telerate Workstation
_3011 Trusted Web
_3012 Trusted Web Client
_3013 Gilat Sky Surfer
_3014 Broker Service
_3016 Notify Server
_3017 Event Listener
_3018 Service Registry
_3019 Resource Manager
_3020 CIFS
_3021 AGRI Server
_3023 magicnotes
_3024 NDS_SSO
_3025 Arepa Raft
_3026 AGRI Gateway
_3027 LiebDevMgmt_C
_3028 LiebDevMgmt_DM
_3029 LiebDevMgmt_A
_3030 Arepa Cas
_3031 Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
_3032 Redwood Chat
_3033 PDB
_3034 Osmosis AEEA
_3035 FJSV gssagt
_3036 Hagel DUMP
_3037 HP SAN Mgmt
_3038 Santak UPS
_3039 Cogitate, Inc.
_3040 Tomato Springs
_3041 di-traceware
_3042 journee
_3043 BRP
_3044 EndPoint Protocol
_3045 ResponseNet
_3046 di-ase
_3047 Fast Security HL Server
_3048 Sierra Net PC Trader
_3049 NSWS
_3050 gds_db
_3051 Galaxy Server
_3053 dsom-server
_3055 Policy Server
_3056 CDL Server
_3057 GoAhead FldUp
_3058 videobeans
_3059 qsoft
_3060 interserver
_3061 cautcpd
_3062 ncacn-ip-tcp
_3063 ncadg-ip-udp
_3064 Remote Port Redirector
_3065 slinterbase
_3067 FJHPJP
_3068 ls3 Broadcast
_3069 ls3
_3071 ContinuStor Manager Port
_3072 ContinuStor Monitor Port
_3073 Very simple chatroom prot
_3074 Xbox game port
_3075 Orbix 2000 Locator
_3076 Orbix 2000 Config
_3077 Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
_3078 Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
_3079 LV Front Panel
_3080 stm_pproc
_3081 TL1-LV
_3082 TL1-RAW
_3083 TL1-TELNET
_3084 ITM-MCCS
_3085 PCIHReq
_3086 JDL-DBKitchen
_3087 Asoki SMA
_3088 eXtensible Data Transfer Protocol
_3089 ParaTek Agent Linking
_3090 Rappore Session Services
_3091 1Ci Server Management
_3092 Netware sync services
_3093 Jiiva RapidMQ Center
_3094 Jiiva RapidMQ Registry
_3095 Panasas rendevous port
_3096 Active Print Server Port
_3097 Reserved
_3098 Universal Message Manager
_3099 CHIPSY Machine Daemon
_3100 OpCon/xps
_3101 HP PolicyXpert PIB Server
_3102 SoftlinK Slave Mon Port
_3103 Autocue SMI Protocol
_3104 Autocue Logger Protocol
_3105 Cardbox
_3106 Cardbox HTTP
_3107 Business protocol
_3108 Geolocate protocol
_3109 Personnel protocol
_3110 simulator control port
_3111 Web Synchronous Services
_3112 KDE System Guard
_3113 CS-Authenticate Svr Port
_3114 CCM AutoDiscover
_3115 MCTET Master
_3116 MCTET Gateway
_3117 MCTET Jserv
_3118 PKAgent
_3119 D2000 Kernel Port
_3120 D2000 Webserver Port
_3121 Extensible Provisioning Protocol
_3122 MTI VTR Emulator port
_3123 EDI Translation Protocol
_3124 Beacon Port
_3125 A13-AN Interface
_3126 Microsoft .NETster Port
_3127 CTX Bridge Port
_3128 Active API Server Port
_3129 NetPort Discovery Port
_3130 ICPv2
_3131 Net Book Mark
_3132 MS-Slipstream
_3133 Prism Deploy User Port
_3134 Extensible Code Protocol
_3135 PeerBook Port
_3136 Grub Server Port
_3137 rtnt-1 data packets
_3138 rtnt-2 data packets
_3139 Incognito Rendez-Vous
_3140 Arilia Multiplexor
_3141 VMODEM
_3142 RDC WH EOS
_3143 Sea View
_3144 Tarantella
_3145 CSI-LFAP
_3146 bears-02
_3147 RFIO
_3148 NetMike Game Administrator
_3149 NetMike Game Server
_3150 NetMike Assessor Administrator
_3151 NetMike Assessor
_3152 FeiTian Port
_3153 S8Cargo Client Port
_3154 ON RMI Registry
_3155 JpegMpeg Port
_3156 Indura Collector
_3157 CCC Listener Port
_3158 SmashTV Protocol
_3159 NavegaWeb Tarification
_3160 TIP Application Server
_3161 DOC1 License Manager
_3162 SFLM
_3163 RES-SAP
_3164 IMPRS
_3165 Newgenpay Engine Service
_3166 Quest Repository
_3167 poweroncontact
_3168 poweronnud
_3174 ARMI Server
_3175 T1_E1_Over_IP
_3176 ARS Master
_3177 Phonex Protocol
_3178 Radiance UltraEdge Port
_3179 H2GF W.2m Handover prot.
_3180 Millicent Broker Server
_3181 BMC Patrol Agent
_3182 BMC Patrol Rendezvous
_3183 COPS/TLS
_3184 ApogeeX Port
_3185 SuSE Meta PPPD
_3186 IIW Monitor User Port
_3187 Open Design Listen Port
_3188 Broadcom Port
_3189 Pinnacle Sys InfEx Port
_3190 ConServR Proxy
_3191 ConServR SSL Proxy
_3192 FireMon Revision Control
_3193 Cordaxis Data Port
_3194 Rockstorm MAG protocol
_3195 Network Control Unit
_3196 Network Control Unit
_3197 Embrace Device Protocol Server
_3198 Embrace Device Protocol Client
_3199 DMOD WorkSpace
_3200 Press-sense Tick Port
_3201 CPQ-TaskSmart
_3202 IntraIntra
_3203 Network Watcher Monitor
_3204 Network Watcher DB Access
_3205 iSNS Server Port
_3206 IronMail POP Proxy
_3207 Veritas Authentication Port
_3208 PFU PR Callback
_3209 HP OpenView Network Path Engine Server
_3210 Flamenco Networks Proxy
_3211 Avocent Secure Management
_3212 Survey Instrument
_3213 NEON 24X7 Mission Control
_3214 JMQ Daemon Port 1
_3215 JMQ Daemon Port 2
_3216 Ferrari electronic FOAM
_3217 Unified IP & Telecomm Env
_3218 EMC SmartPackets
_3219 WMS Messenger
_3220 XML NM over SSL
_3221 XML NM over TCP
_3222 Gateway Load Balancing Pr
_3223 DIGIVOTE (R) Vote-Server
_3224 AES Discovery Port
_3225 FCIP
_3226 ISI Industry Software IRP
_3227 DiamondWave NMS Server
_3228 DiamondWave MSG Server
_3229 Global CD Port
_3230 Software Distributor Port
_3231 Delta Solutions Direct
_3232 MDT port
_3233 WhiskerControl main port
_3234 Alchemy Server
_3235 MDAP port
_3236 appareNet Test Server
_3237 appareNet Test Packet Sequencer
_3238 appareNet Analysis Server
_3239 appareNet User Interface
_3240 Trio Motion Control Port
_3241 SysOrb Monitoring Server
_3242 Session Description ID
_3243 Timelot Port
_3244 OneSAF
_3245 VIEO Fabric Executive
_3249 State Sync Protocol
_3250 HMS hicp port
_3251 Sys Scanner
_3252 DHE port
_3253 PDA Data
_3254 PDA System
_3255 Semaphore Connection Port
_3256 Compaq RPM Agent Port
_3257 Compaq RPM Server Port
_3258 Ivecon Server Port
_3259 Epson Network Common Devi
_3260 iSCSI port
_3261 winShadow
_3262 NECP
_3263 E-Color Enterprise Imager
_3264 cc:mail/lotus
_3265 Altav Tunnel
_3266 NS CFG Server
_3267 IBM Dial Out
_3268 Microsoft Global Catalog
_3269 Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
_3270 Verismart
_3271 CSoft Prev Port
_3272 Fujitsu User Manager
_3273 Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
_3274 Ordinox Server
_3275 SAMD
_3276 Maxim ASICs
_3277 AWG Proxy
_3278 LKCM Server
_3279 admind
_3280 VS Server
_3281 SYSOPT
_3282 Datusorb
_3283 Net Assistant
_3284 4Talk
_3285 Plato
_3286 E-Net
_3288 COPS
_3289 ENPC
_3291 S A Holditch & Associates - LM
_3292 Cart O Rama
_3293 fg-fps
_3294 fg-gip
_3295 Dynamic IP Lookup
_3296 Rib License Manager
_3297 Cytel License Manager
_3298 Transview
_3299 pdrncs
_3302 MCS Fastmail
_3303 OP Session Client
_3304 OP Session Server
_3306 MySQL
_3307 OP Session Proxy
_3308 TNS Server
_3309 TNS ADV
_3310 Dyna Access
_3311 MCNS Tel Ret
_3312 Application Management Server
_3313 Unify Object Broker
_3314 Unify Object Host
_3315 CDID
_3316 AICC/CMI
_3318 Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
_3319 SDT License Manager
_3320 Office Link 2000
_3321 VNSSTR
_3326 SFTU
_3327 BBARS
_3328 Eaglepoint License Manager
_3329 HP Device Disc
_3330 MCS Calypso ICF
_3331 MCS Messaging
_3332 MCS Mail Server
_3333 DEC Notes
_3334 Direct TV Webcasting
_3335 Direct TV Software Updates
_3336 Direct TV Tickers
_3337 Direct TV Data Catalog
_3338 OMF data b
_3339 OMF data l
_3340 OMF data m
_3341 OMF data h
_3342 WebTIE
_3343 MS Cluster Net
_3344 BNT Manager
_3345 Influence
_3346 Trnsprnt Proxy
_3347 Phoenix RPC
_3348 Pangolin Laser
_3349 Chevin Services
_3352 SSQL
_3354 SUITJD
_3355 Ordinox Dbase
_3357 Adtech Test IP
_3358 Mp Sys Rmsvr
_3359 WG NetForce
_3360 KV Server
_3361 KV Agent
_3362 DJ ILM
_3363 NATI Vi Server
_3364 Creative Server
_3365 Content Server
_3366 Creative Partner
_3372 TIP 2
_3373 Lavenir License Manager
_3374 Cluster Disc
_3375 VSNM Agent
_3376 CD Broker
_3377 Cogsys Network License Manager
_3380 SNS Channels
_3381 Geneous
_3382 Fujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function
_3383 Enterprise Software Products License Manager
_3384 Cluster Management Services
_3385 qnxnetman
_3386 GPRS Data
_3387 Back Room Net
_3388 CB Server
_3389 MS WBT Server
_3390 Distributed Service Coordinator
_3391 SAVANT
_3392 EFI License Management
_3393 D2K Tapestry Client to Server
_3394 D2K Tapestry Server to Server
_3395 Dyna License Manager (Elam)
_3396 Printer Agent
_3397 Cloanto License Manager
_3398 Mercantile
_3399 CSMS
_3400 CSMS2
_3401 filecast
_3402 FXa Engine Network Port
_3403 CopySnap Server Port
_3404 IGo Incognito Data Port
_3405 Nokia Announcement ch 1
_3406 Nokia Announcement ch 2
_3407 LDAP admin server port
_3408 POWERpack API Port
_3409 NetworkLens Event Port
_3410 NetworkLens SSL Event
_3411 BioLink Authenteon
_3412 xmlBlaster
_3413 SpecView Networking
_3414 BroadCloud WIP Port
_3415 BCI Name Service
_3416 AirMobile IS Command Port
_3417 ConServR file translation
_3418 Remote nmap
_3419 Isogon SoftAudit
_3420 iFCP User Port
_3421 Bull Apprise portmapper
_3422 Remote USB System Port
_3423 xTrade Reliable Messaging
_3424 xTrade over TLS/SSL
_3425 AGPS Access Port
_3426 Arkivio Storage Protocol
_3427 WebSphere SNMP
_3428 2Wire CSS
_3429 GCSP user port
_3430 Scott Studios Dispatch
_3431 Active License Server Port
_3432 Secure Device Protocol
_3433 Altaworks Service Management Platform
_3434 OpenCM Server
_3435 Pacom Security User Port
_3436 BurningWall ConfigSrv
_3437 Autocue Directory Service
_3438 Spiralcraft Admin
_3439 HRI Interface Port
_3440 Net Steward Mgmt Console
_3441 OC Connect Client
_3442 OC Connect Server
_3443 OpenView Network Node Manager WEB Server
_3444 Denali Server
_3445 Media Object Network
_3446 3Com FAX RPC port
_3447 CompuDuo DirectNet
_3448 Discovery and Net Config
_3449 HotU Chat
_3450 CAStorProxy
_3451 ASAM Services
_3452 SABP-Signalling Protocol
_3453 PSC Update Port
_3454 Apple Remote Access Protocol
_3455 RSVP Port
_3456 VAT default data
_3457 VAT default control
_3458 D3WinOSFI
_3459 TIP Integral
_3460 EDM Manger
_3461 EDM Stager
_3462 EDM STD Notify
_3463 EDM ADM Notify
_3464 EDM MGR Sync
_3465 EDM MGR Cntrl
_3467 RCST
_3468 TTCM Remote Controll
_3469 Pluribus
_3470 jt400
_3471 jt400-ssl
_3472 JAUGS N-G Remotec 1
_3473 JAUGS N-G Remotec 2
_3474 TSP Automation
_3475 Genisar Comm Port
_3476 NVIDIA Mgmt Protocol
_3477 eComm link port
_3478 Simple Traversal of UDP Through NAT (STUN) port
_3479 2Wire RPC
_3494 IBM 3494
_3495 securitylayer over tcp
_3496 securitylayer over tls
_3500 RTMP Port
_3501 iSoft-P2P
_3502 Avocent Install Discovery
_3503 MPLS LSP-echo Port
_3504 IronStorm game server
_3505 CCM communications port
_3506 APC Device Status Port
_3507 Nesh Broker Port
_3508 Interaction Web
_3535 MS-LA
_3563 Watcom Debug
_3617 ATI SHARP Logic Engine
_3672 LispWorks ORB
_3709 CA-IDMS Server
_3737 Sphidia Game Port
_3802 VHD
_3845 V-ONE Single Port Proxy
_3883 Deep Throat 2 trojan
_3885 TopFlow SSL
_3900 Unidata UDT OS
_3939 Anti-virus Application Management Port
_3984 MAPPER network node manager
_3985 MAPPER TCP/IP server
_3986 MAPPER workstation server
_3987 Centerline
_4000 Terabase
_4001 NewOak
_4002 pxc-spvr-ft
_4003 pxc-splr-ft
_4004 pxc-roid
_4005 pxc-pin
_4006 pxc-spvr
_4007 pxc-splr
_4008 NetCheque accounting
_4009 Chimera HWM
_4010 Samsung Unidex
_4011 Alternate Service Boot
_4012 PDA Gate
_4013 ACL Manager
_4015 Talarian Mcast
_4016 Talarian Mcast
_4017 Talarian Mcast
_4018 Talarian Mcast
_4019 Talarian Mcast
_4020 TRAP Port
_4021 Nexus Portal
_4022 DNOX
_4023 ESNM Zoning Port
_4024 TNP1 User Port
_4025 Partition Image Port
_4026 Graphical Debug Server
_4027 bitxpress
_4028 DTServer Port
_4029 IP Q signaling protocol
_4030 Accell/JSP Daemon Port
_4031 UUCP over SSL
_4032 VERITAS Authorize Server
_4033 SANavigator Peer Port
_4034 Ubiquinox Daemon
_4035 WAP Push OTA-HTTP port
_4036 WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure
_4040 Yo.net main service
_4041 Rocketeer-Houston
_4042 LDXP
_4096 BRE (Bridge Relay Element)
_4097 Patrol View
_4098 drmsfsd
_4099 DPCP
_4132 NUTS Daemon
_4133 NUTS Bootp Server
_4134 NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol
_4141 Workflow Server
_4142 Document Server
_4143 Document Replication
_4145 VVR Control
_4160 Jini Discovery
_4300 Corel CCam
_4321 Remote Who Is
_4344 VinaInstall
_4345 Macro 4 Network AS
_4346 ELAN LM
_4347 LAN Surveyor
_4348 ITOSE
_4349 File System Port Map
_4350 Net Device
_4351 PLCY Net Services
_4353 F5 iQuery
_4354 QSNet Transmitter
_4355 QSNet Workstation
_4356 QSNet Assistant
_4357 QSNet Conductor
_4358 QSNet Nucleus
_4442 Saris
_4443 Pharos
_4444 KRB524
_4446 N1-FWP
_4447 N1-RMGMT
_4448 ASC Licence Manager
_4449 PrivateWire
_4450 Camp
_4451 CTI System Msg
_4452 CTI Program Load
_4453 NSS Alert Manager
_4454 NSS Agent Manager
_4455 PR Chat User
_4456 PR Chat Server
_4457 PR Register
_4500 Microsoft IPsec NAT-T
_4501 urn-x-cdchoice
_4545 WorldScores
_4546 SF License Manager (Sentinel)
_4547 Lanner License Manager
_4555 RSIP Port
_4559 HylaFAX
_4567 TRAM
_4568 BMC Reporting
_4600 Piranha1
_4601 Piranha2
_4660 smaclmgr
_4661 Kar2ouche Peer location service
_4672 remote file access server
_4752 Simple Network Audio Protocol
_4800 Icona Instant Messenging System
_4801 Icona Web Embedded Chat
_4802 Icona License System Server
_4827 HTCP
_4837 Varadero-0
_4838 Varadero-1
_4839 Varadero-2
_4868 Photon Relay
_4869 Photon Relay Debug
_4885 ABBS
_4894 LysKOM Protocol A
_4983 AT&T Intercom
_4987 SMAR Ethernet Port 1
_4988 SMAR Ethernet Port 2
_5002 radio free ethernet
_5003 FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
_5004 avt-profile-1
_5005 avt-profile-2
_5006 wsm server
_5007 wsm server ssl
_5008 Synapsis EDGE
_5010 TelepathStart
_5011 TelepathAttack
_5020 zenginkyo-1
_5021 zenginkyo-2
_5022 mice server
_5023 Htuil Server for PLD2
_5042 asnaacceler8db
_5050 multimedia conference control tool
_5051 ITA Agent
_5052 ITA Manager
_5055 UNOT
_5056 Intecom PS 1
_5057 Intecom PS 2
_5060 SIP
_5061 SIP-TLS
_5069 I/Net 2000-NPR
_5071 PowerSchool
_5081 SDL - Ent Trans Server
_5093 Sentinel LM
_5099 SentLM Srv2Srv
_5101 Talarian_TCP
_5150 Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
_5151 ESRI SDE Instance
_5152 ESRI SDE Instance Discovery
_5165 ife_1corp
_5190 America-Online
_5191 AmericaOnline1
_5192 AmericaOnline2
_5193 AmericaOnline3
_5200 TARGUS GetData
_5201 TARGUS GetData 1
_5202 TARGUS GetData 2
_5203 TARGUS GetData 3
_5222 Jabber Client Connection
_5225 HP Server
_5226 HP Status
_5250 iGateway
_5269 Jabber Server Connection
_5272 PK
_5300 # HA cluster heartbeat
_5301 # HA cluster general services
_5302 # HA cluster configuration
_5303 # HA cluster probing
_5304 # HA Cluster Commands
_5305 # HA Cluster Test
_5306 Sun MC Group
_5307 SCO AIP
_5308 CFengine
_5309 J Printer
_5310 Outlaws
_5311 TM Login
_5314 opalis-rbt-ipc
_5315 HA Cluster UDP Polling
_5353 Multicast DNS
_5400 Excerpt Search
_5401 Excerpt Search Secure
_5402 MFTP
_5405 NetSupport
_5406 Systemics Sox
_5407 Foresyte-Clear
_5408 Foresyte-Sec
_5409 Salient Data Server
_5410 Salient User Manager
_5411 ActNet
_5412 Continuus
_5414 StatusD
_5415 NS Server
_5416 SNS Gateway
_5417 SNS Agent
_5418 MCNTP
_5419 DJ-ICE
_5420 Cylink-C
_5421 Net Support 2
_5422 Salient MUX
_5429 Billing and Accounting System Exchange
_5432 PostgreSQL Database
_5435 Data Tunneling Transceiver Linking (DTTL)
_5454 apc-tcp-udp-4
_5455 apc-tcp-udp-5
_5456 apc-tcp-udp-6
_5462 TTL Publisher
_5463 TTL Price Proxy
_5500 fcp-addr-srvr1
_5501 fcp-addr-srvr2
_5502 fcp-srvr-inst1
_5503 fcp-srvr-inst2
_5504 fcp-cics-gw1
_5555 Personal Agent
_5566 UDPPlus
_5599 Enterprise Security Remote Install
_5600 Enterprise Security Manager
_5601 Enterprise Security Agent
_5602 A1-MSC
_5603 A1-BS
_5604 A3-SDUNode
_5605 A4-SDUNode
_5631 pcANYWHEREdata
_5632 pcANYWHEREstat
_5673 JACL Message Server
_5674 HyperSCSI Port
_5675 V5UA application port
_5676 RA Administration
_5677 Quest Central DB2 Launchr
_5678 Remote Replication Agent Connection
_5679 Direct Cable Connect Manager
_5713 proshare conf audio
_5714 proshare conf video
_5715 proshare conf data
_5716 proshare conf request
_5717 proshare conf notify
_5729 Openmail User Agent Layer
_5730 Steltors calendar access
_5741 IDA Discover Port 1
_5742 IDA Discover Port 2
_5745 fcopy-server
_5746 fcopys-server
_5755 OpenMail Desk Gateway server
_5757 OpenMail X.500 Directory Server
_5766 OpenMail NewMail Server
_5767 OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure)
_5768 OpenMail CMTS Server
_5771 NetAgent
_5800 Virtual Network Computing server
_5813 ICMPD
_5900 Virtual Network Computing server
_5968 mppolicy-v5
_5969 mppolicy-mgr
_5987 WBEM RMI
_5990 HP WBEM Local Connection
_5991 NUXSL
_5999 CVSup
_6000 6000-6063 X Window System
_6065 WinPharaoh
_6066 EWCTSP
_6067 SRB
_6068 GSMP
_6069 TRIP
_6070 Messageasap
_6071 SSDTP
_6073 DirectPlay8
_6100 SynchroNet-db
_6101 SynchroNet-rtc
_6102 SynchroNet-upd
_6103 RETS
_6104 DBDB
_6105 Prima Server
_6106 MPS Server
_6107 ETC Control
_6108 Sercomm-SCAdmin
_6110 HP SoftBench CM
_6111 HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
_6112 dtspcd
_6123 Backup Express
_6141 Meta Corporation License Manager
_6142 Aspen Technology License Manager
_6143 Watershed License Manager
_6144 StatSci License Manager - 1
_6145 StatSci License Manager - 2
_6146 Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
_6147 Montage License Manager
_6148 Ricardo North America License Manager
_6149 tal-pod
_6253 CRIP
_6300 BMC GRX
_6321 Empress Software Connectivity Server 1
_6322 Empress Software Connectivity Server 2
_6346 gnutella-svc
_6347 gnutella-rtr
_6382 Metatude Dialogue Server
_6389 clariion-evr01
_6455 SKIP Certificate Receive
_6456 SKIP Certificate Send
_6471 LVision License Manager
_6500 BoKS Master
_6501 BoKS Servc
_6502 BoKS Servm
_6503 BoKS Clntd
_6505 BoKS Admin Private Port
_6506 BoKS Admin Public Port
_6507 BoKS Dir Server, Private Port
_6508 BoKS Dir Server, Public Port
_6509 MGCS-MFP Port
_6510 MCER Port
_6547 apc-tcp-udp-1
_6548 apc-tcp-udp-2
_6549 apc-tcp-udp-3
_6550 fg-sysupdate
_6580 Parsec Masterserver
_6581 Parsec Peer-to-Peer
_6582 Parsec Gameserver
_6588 AnalogX Web Proxy
_6670 Vocaltec Global Online Directory
_6672 vision_server
_6673 vision_elmd
_6701 KTI/ICAD Nameserver
_6714 Internet Backplane Protocol
_6790 HNMP
_6831 ambit-lm
_6841 Netmo Default
_6842 Netmo HTTP
_6888 MUSE
_6961 JMACT3
_6962 jmevt2
_6963 swismgr1
_6964 swismgr2
_6965 swistrap
_6966 swispol
_6969 acmsoda
_6998 IATP-highPri
_6999 IATP-normalPri
_7000 file server itself
_7001 callbacks to cache managers
_7002 users & groups database
_7003 volume location database
_7004 AFS/Kerberos authentication service
_7005 volume managment server
_7006 error interpretation service
_7007 basic overseer process
_7008 server-to-server updater
_7009 remote cache manager service
_7010 onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
_7011 Talon Discovery Port
_7012 Talon Engine
_7013 Microtalon Discovery
_7014 Microtalon Communications
_7015 Talon Webserver
_7020 DP Serve
_7021 DP Serve Admin
_7070 ARCP
_7099 lazy-ptop
_7100 X Font Service
_7121 Virtual Prototypes License Manager
_7174 Clutild
_7201 DLIP
_7391 mind-file system server
_7392 mrss-rendezvous server
_7395 winqedit
_7426 OpenView DM Postmaster Manager
_7427 OpenView DM Event Agent Manager
_7428 OpenView DM Log Agent Manager
_7429 OpenView DM rqt communication
_7430 OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe
_7431 OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe
_7437 Faximum
_7491 telops-lmd
_7501 HP OpenView Bus Daemon
_7510 HP OpenView Application Server
_7511 pafec-lm
_7544 FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer
_7545 FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer
_7566 VSI Omega
_7570 Aries Kfinder
_7588 Sun License Manager
_7633 PMDF Management
_7743 Sakura Script Transfer Protocol
_7777 cbt
_7778 Interwise
_7779 VSTAT
_7781 accu-lmgr
_7845 APC SNMP Trap Proxy
_7846 APC SNMP Proxy
_7913 QuickObjects secure port
_7932 Tier 2 Data Resource Manager
_7933 Tier 2 Business Rules Manager
_7967 Supercell
_7979 Micromuse-ncps
_7980 Quest Vista
_7999 iRDMI2
_8000 iRDMI
_8001 VCOM Tunnel
_8002 Teradata ORDBMS
_8008 HTTP Alternate
_8010 Wingate web logfile
_8022 oa-system
_8032 ProEd
_8033 MindPrint
_8080 HTTP Alternate (see port 80)
_8100 Xprint Server
_8116 Check Point Clustering
_8132 dbabble
_8160 Patrol
_8161 Patrol SNMP
_8199 VVR DATA
_8204 LM Perfworks
_8205 LM Instmgr
_8206 LM Dta
_8207 LM SServer
_8208 LM Webwatcher
_8351 Server Find
_8376 Cruise ENUM
_8377 Cruise SWROUTE
_8378 Cruise CONFIG
_8379 Cruise DIAGS
_8380 Cruise UPDATE
_8400 cvd
_8401 sabarsd
_8402 abarsd
_8403 admind
_8443 PCsync HTTPS
_8444 PCsync HTTP
_8450 npmp
_8473 Virtual Point to Point
_8554 RTSP Alternate (see port 554)
_8733 iBus
_8765 Ultraseek HTTP
_8804 truecm
_8880 CDDBP
_8888 NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1)
_8889 Desktop Data TCP 1
_8890 Desktop Data TCP 2
_8891 Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application
_8892 Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product
_8893 Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application
_8894 Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application
_8900 JMB-CDS 1
_8901 JMB-CDS 2
_8954 Cumulus Admin Port
_8999 Brodos Crypto Trade Protocol
_9000 CSlistener
_9001 ETL Service Manager
_9002 DynamID authentication
_9021 Pangolin Identification
_9022 PrivateArk Remote Agent
_9023 Secure Web Access - 1
_9024 Secure Web Access - 2
_9025 Secure Web Access - 3
_9026 Secure Web Access - 4
_9090 WebSM
_9091 xmltec-xmlmail
_9100 HP JetDirect Printer Server
_9101 Bacula Director
_9102 Bacula File Daemon
_9103 Bacula Storage Daemon
_9160 NetLOCK1
_9161 NetLOCK2
_9162 NetLOCK3
_9163 NetLOCK4
_9164 NetLOCK5
_9200 WAP connectionless session service
_9201 WAP session service
_9202 WAP secure connectionless session service
_9203 WAP secure session service
_9204 WAP vCard
_9205 WAP vCal
_9206 WAP vCard Secure
_9207 WAP vCal Secure
_9217 FSC Communication Port
_9281 SofaWare transport port 1
_9282 SofaWare transport port 2
_9283 CallWaveIAM
_9284 VERITAS Information Serve
_9285 N2H2 Filter Service Port
_9287 Cumulus
_9292 ArmTech Daemon
_9321 guibase
_9343 MpIdcMgr
_9344 Mphlpdmc
_9346 C Tech Licensing
_9374 fjdmimgr
_9396 fjinvmgr
_9397 MpIdcAgt
_9500 ismserver
_9594 Message System
_9595 Ping Discovery Service
_9612 StreamComm User Directory
_9747 L5NAS Parallel Channel
_9753 rasadv
_9800 WebDav Source Port
_9801 Sakura Script Transfer Protocol-2
_9875 Session Announcement v1
_9876 Session Director
_9888 CYBORG Systems
_9898 MonkeyCom
_9900 IUA
_9909 domaintime
_9992 OnLive-1
_9993 OnLive-2
_9994 OnLive-3
_9995 Palace-4
_9996 Palace-5
_9997 Palace-6
_9998 Distinct32
_9999 distinct
_10000 Network Data Management Protocol
_10001 SCP Configuration Port
_10007 MVS Capacity
_10080 Amanda
_10101 eZmeeting
_10102 eZproxy
_10103 eZrelay
_10113 NetIQ Endpoint
_10114 NetIQ Qcheck
_10115 NetIQ Endpoint
_10116 NetIQ VoIP Assessor
_10260 Axis WIMP Port
_10288 Blocks
_10990 Auxiliary RMI Port
_11000 IRISA
_11001 Metasys
_11111 Viral Computing Environment (VCE)
_11201 smsqp
_11319 IMIP
_11320 IMIP Channels Port
_11321 Arena Server Listen
_11367 ATM UHAS
_11600 Tempest Protocol Port
_11720 h323 Call Signal Alternate
_12000 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
_12001 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
_12002 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
_12003 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
_12004 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority
_12172 HiveP
_12345 Italk Chat System
_12753 tsaf port
_13160 I-ZIPQD
_13223 PowWow Client
_13224 PowWow Server
_13720 BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
_13721 BPDBM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
_13722 BP Java MSVC Protocol
_13724 Veritas Network Utility
_13782 VERITAS NetBackup
_13783 VOPIED Protocol
_13818 DSMCC Config
_13819 DSMCC Session Messages
_13820 DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages
_13821 DSMCC Download Protocol
_13822 DSMCC Channel Change Protocol
_14001 SUA
_14033 sage Best! Config Server 1
_14034 sage Best! Config Server 2
_14141 VCS Application
_14145 GCM Application
_14149 Veritas Traffic Director
_14936 hde-lcesrvr-1
_14937 hde-lcesrvr-2
_15000 Hypack Data Aquisition
_15345 XPilot Contact Port
_16360 netserialext1
_16361 netserialext2
_16367 netserialext3
_16368 netserialext4
_17185 Sounds Virtual
_17219 Chipper
_18000 Beckman Instruments, Inc.
_18181 OPSEC CVP
_18182 OPSEC UFP
_18183 OPSEC SAM
_18184 OPSEC LEA
_18185 OPSEC OMI
_18187 OPSEC ELA
_18241 Check Point RTM
_18463 AC Cluster
_19191 opsec-uaa
_19283 Key Server for SASSAFRAS
_19315 Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
_19398 mtrgtrans
_19410 hp-sco
_19411 hp-sca
_19541 JCP Client
_20000 DNP
_20001 Millenium trojan
_20024 Netbus 2.0 Pro
_20222 iPulse-ICS
_20670 Track
_20999 At Hand MMP
_21554 GirlFriend trojan
_21590 VoFR Gateway
_21800 TVNC Pro Multiplexing
_21845 webphone
_21846 NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services
_21847 NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
_21848 NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution
_21849 NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System
_22000 SNAPenetIO
_22001 OptoControl
_22273 wnn6
_22347 WIBU dongle server
_22555 Vocaltec Web Conference
_22800 Telerate Information Platform LAN
_22951 Telerate Information Platform WAN
_23456 Evil FTP trojan
_24000 med-ltp
_24001 med-fsp-rx
_24002 med-fsp-tx
_24003 med-supp
_24004 med-ovw
_24005 med-ci
_24006 med-net-svc
_24242 fileSphere
_24249 Vista 4GL
_24386 Intel RCI
_24554 BINKP
_24677 FlashFiler
_24678 Turbopower Proactivate
_24922 Simple Net Ident Protocol
_25000 icl-twobase1
_25001 icl-twobase2
_25002 icl-twobase3
_25003 icl-twobase4
_25004 icl-twobase5
_25005 icl-twobase6
_25006 icl-twobase7
_25007 icl-twobase8
_25008 icl-twobase9
_25009 icl-twobase10
_25793 Vocaltec Address Server
_25867 WebCam32 Admin
_25901 NIObserver
_25903 NIProbe
_26000 quake
_26208 wnn6-ds
_26260 eZproxy
_26261 eZmeeting
_26262 K3 Software-Server
_26263 K3 Software-Client
_26264 Gserver
_27345 ImagePump
_27999 TW Authentication/Key Distribution and
_30001 Pago Services 1
_30002 Pago Services 2
_30303 Sockets De Troie trojan
_32768 Filenet TMS
_32769 Filenet RPC
_32770 Filenet NCH
_32771 FileNET RMI
_33434 traceroute use
_34249 TurboNote Relay Server Default Port
_36865 KastenX Pipe
_37475 science + computings Venus Administration Port
_39681 TurboNote Default Port
_40841 CSCP
_41111 Foursticks QoS Protocol
_44818 Rockwell Encapsulation
_45054 InVision AG
_45678 EBA PRISE
_45966 SSRServerMgr
_47000 Message Bus
_47557 Databeam Corporation
_47624 Direct Play Server
_47806 ALC Protocol
_47808 Building Automation and Control Networks
_48000 Nimbus Controller
_48001 Nimbus Spooler
_48002 Nimbus Hub
_48003 Nimbus Gateway
_48556 com-bardac-dw
_54320 Back Orifice 2000
_65000 Devil trojan