Assuming you’re beyond the keyword research phase of your business planning, now you need to understand how to use your keywords. We like to teach our clients that using keywords is nothing more than knowing the keyword you want to promote when you write your page. Using keywords in your copywriting should be a very intentional process. You should not get hung up in the details put forth by anal SEO guys who think you need to have 6.2% of the page content covered by the keywords you are using.
As we build the pages using keywords and grow the core infrastructure of our websites, you should know that what we write is VERY intentional. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the theme of of this page, and the search term we’d like to rank for is “using keywords”. We are NOT putting a great emphasis on the technical SEO aspects. I don’t think getting my clients to focus on “keyword density” is really going to get them very far. I actually get the opposite result. My clients shut down as their creative process gets overwhelmed with technical garbage. It’s better just to say to them that whenever you use text, try to use your keywords. That should be enough…and it is.
Google doesn’t want your page to look fake and they don’t want you trying to decipher their algorithms to get it exactly right. The more you try to match how Google is reading the page, the more you put your content at risk when Google changes their algorithms. The more you write for your audience, the more you’ll be rewarded in the long term, both by the search engines and by your customers who have to ultimately interpret your writing. Write for your readers! Let your keywords keep you on topic!
Now, having said that, there are some things you can do that will improve your chances of getting noticed and indexed by the search engines using your keywords.
Once you’ve written your page, you can improve your ability to rank in the search engines by using keywords in articles that you write. You can distribute those articles and use them to point to the same page in your website (you point to the page by hyperlinking your keywords to the page you want to promote for the same keywords).
There are also provisions within a page that also may help. Most website builders include form based entries for your metatags for every page. Don’t worry if you don’t know what a metatag is. Just know that you are encouraged to enter keywords (search terms relavent to your page), a description and a title when you build each of your pages. So know what keyword you want a page to rank for. Put it in the keywords box. Use the keyword in your description. Put the keyword in your title. Use the keyword or variations of your keyword on your page in the headers, in the regular text and in the alternative text on the images. You don’t need to know any code to do any of this.
Having said this, please note the first sentence of this article. Smart keyword choice is essential to ranking for keywords. If your choices are too general or too competitive, you have an uphill battle no matter how well written your page is. That’s because your links relative to the competition will probably pale in comparison.
Smart choices and intentionally using your chosen keywords in your webcopy keeps you on track, on point and hopefully on Google.
by Greg Newell Greg owns This site is designed to help new ecommerce and new business owners understand the nuances of how a website is found. Using keywords is at the core of understanding sound website marketing techniques..